DREI FRAGEN with Imogen Morris

Each Wednesday I ask a different artist the same three questions.

This week’s featured artist is Imogen Morris. We first connected through our artwork at one of our initial exhibitions in London in 2021. Although she wasn’t there in person, I stepped out of my comfort zone and contacted some of the artists whose work I admired, while also ‘networking’ at the exhibition. A serendipitous encounter a year later led to us bumping into each other at Birmingham’s Ikon Gallery, where she was working.

This week, you have the pleasure of experiencing an audio version accompanied by the written word!

1. What first sparked your interest in creating art?

I would say, for as long as I can remember, I’ve always been really creative. I was brought up around art. Both my parents are very creative, and they’re quite artistically skilled as well, so we were always surrounded by art as kids. My mum was always doing quirky, crafty workshops with us and was really encouraging about us experiencing art. We’d often go to galleries and similar places.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always created—not just making art, but also writing stories, plays, poems, and things like that. I feel it’s always been a part of me.

2. What are your regrets?

Okay. Regrets? Um, or I would say a regret—and I’m talking in terms of a very business-minded, commercial perspective—would be not having as much financial backing behind me as I did. I feel you have to invest so much financially into yourself before things really take off.

I saved up a few grand, quit my full-time job at the end of 2020, and pursued this full-time in 2021 with that money behind me. And now, here I am, nearly four years later. You know, I’m just about almost making a living from it. Um, so, you know, a couple of grand actually didn’t go far at all. Annoyingly, you do have to spend money to make money. So, yeah, investing more into myself financially would be something I’d do differently.

3. What wisdom would you offer someone beginning their art career, or exploring art for the first time at any stage in life?

Yeah, I suppose the same answer as before—invest in yourself financially, but also have a real sense of self-belief. Because if you believe in what you’re making, other people will too.

Caio Eid – By Imogen Morris.

Check out Imogen Morris (Linktree) and experience her unique threadwork art style. I’m a huge fan!

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