Swindon Hub and the Countdown to Memento Vivere

World-Class Artist, SLART’s Weekly art practice: Week 34.

Author’s Note: Every Saturday, I share my art practice over the past 7 days. I’m fascinated by artistic practice – it’s not just about creating art but the entire process. From influences and ideas to materials and skills, each artist’s unique approach shapes their work, making it more than a finished piece. Just imagine having a weekly update from your favourite living artist. How cool would that be?

If this piece is too long for email, you can read it here in Substack. Or download the app.

This week in the world of SLART.

(I’ve recorded an audio version but it’s different to this post. Ooooh).

Selling art prints at Swindon Hub

Swindon Hub is an amazing place—a CIC, which means that it’s a not-for-profit company, a social enterprise and they took over quite a large retail unit in the town centre and turned it into a successful community hub! I’ve exhibited there a couple of times and sold items there. But this time round, I’ve got 4 months in there, September until the end of December! Woop!

Here’s my set-up in the shop. I’m the first one to set up.

Memento Vivere Update

371 days to go!

I’m already pondering over “drip feeding” little teasers to people about the exhibition, for the lack of a better phrase in my mind right now.

The plan is to send out save-the-date cards to people (whom? to be determined) with the words…


If you got that in the post, you’d be intrigued right?

Then I’d keep sending out little snippets over the year. No web address to visit, just little clues.

Should I be giving away too much in my Substack? Will it lose its power of intrigue? Will you leak my plans to the national press?

That is all for this week!

Thanks for reading.

Have a great week!

One question

  1. What has been the highlight of your week?

Enjoy my publication?


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